Stage 1

Stage 1 - setting goals

Stage 1 involves helping you to delve deeper into the market you are operating within. 

We look at your product/service and who it is aimed at. I will do an informal audit with you on your progress to date, discuss your targets for the year ahead and we will put together a strategy and action plan to make this a reality.

Everyone is different so there is no one size fits all. This stage comprises 4 x 90 minute sessions.

There will be research and tasks for you to complete between sessions but you will receive full support and guidance.

Below is a cashflow forecast template. This is an example of one of the templates I may use to help you plan for the year ahead. I also have my own one page business plan and other visuals that can help you learn as you evolve the business.

I have supported hundreds of businesses and the best way I can describe what to expect is that you will start to gain clarity, see a clear path and feel inspired. Hence my strapline, Inspiration, direction, motivation.

Get in touch with me for a no obligation chat that will provide you with quick wins, even if we never work together. You always leave a little bit wiser than when you arrived!


See Stage 2 - Messaging

 How the programme works

Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3 have been crafted from years of experience helping entrepreneurs establish their businesses.

The two most common requests are help with funding and marketing. The three stages are based on helping you maximise your opportunty to establish and grow your business in an organic way, reducing the need for lofty grants or hefty loans. It also helps you plan your next 12 months, you will be able see where you're going and what realistically you will need to have in place financially to remain viable. The most satisfying part of stage 1 is that it's always more achievable than you had anticipated.

Stages 2 and 3 reduce a lot of the going around in circles and getting quickly demotivated, which happens to 70% of business owners in their first 3 years. This is because they have not had the opportunity to step back, educate themselves, apply the knowledge and plan, with the assistance of an objective coach. 

My programme helps you achieve 3 things in one. Gain an education so you truly understand business for the stage and level you will be at in your first 3 years. Reflect on what you are learning and then apply it, again with guidance. The by product of this is that your confidence will naturally grow and your business will start to gain traction.

I do not advocate that this programme is all that you will ever need. It's aimed at those who are trying to establish a business in its first 3 years. As you grow, you will then need to learn more around employing staff, outsourcing, developing supply chains, associate marketing, and if you're lucky VAT and forming a limited company (if you didn't start with one). But there is a lot of support in the marketplace for you as you develop,  much of this will be fully funded.

I will never offer a service and charge for it if you can access it for free. There may be slight cross over as funded business support changes, but I will always offer you that choice. My role is to complement those services and help you put things into practice, whilst coaching you at the same time.

The cost of the whole 3 stage programme is £ 1750 it's purely one to one coaching, guidance and practical support and is therefore completely tailored to you.

It may be tempting to ask me if you can just have one stage on its own. I find that this won't work unless you have done significant work already in those areas. It would be like building a car with only two wheels and saying, "ok I will just call it a motorbike" it won't work as it is incomplete for what's needed to drive forward.

You will get a 40 minute free consultation and there is never any obligation. If we decide that we can't work together, I will still give you tips and quick wins. I am happy to help everybody where I can. 

My target audience are those who want to shorten the time it would normally take them to learn, understand and apply business knowledge and eradicate the head scratching frustration. You will also gain a rapid increase in confidence and cut through the procrastination. You aren't paying for my time, you are paying for the liberation of yours, and the lifetime of work I have had to invest to develop the skills and knowledge I pass to you in a few short weeks.

Please get in touch for your free consultation you have nothing to lose. You always leave a little bit wiser than when you arrived!

I do offer other services including coaching and more bespoke 1 x 90 minute sessions too, but these are borne out of a self identified need, on request from my clients. Please ask if this is of interest to you.


Working template cash flow.xls