My Service

 The Ethos of Startup Angel

Who Am I? And how does this help you?

I have worked within small business support in Manchester and Liverpool, UK for 15 years. I have also operated my own businesses, a café in Scotland and a marketing consultancy. All my family were also self-employed, so it's the norm for me.

All of my life I have been passionate about entrepreneurship and was keen to be my own boss as soon as I left school. I was frustrated because I never really had a trade or skill I could convert, so went into the world of employment. I also lacked confidence and knew I needed more life experience and a thicker skin! This may be a similar path that you have taken.

When I finally took the plunge, I bought a business in Scotland, I didn't regret it.

Personal circumstances led to me having to sell the café in Scotland after a couple of years and move back home to Lancashire. We were fortunate in that we made a profit on the sale because we had run it properly and had good accounts, the business was profitable, despite having a short season for revenue. 

I was proud of our achievements in the short time we were there. We appeared in the Rough Guide to Scotland, had people travelling from miles around based on our reputation for the best paninis in the Highlands. We sold delicious coffee well before the Costa revolution landed on our shores! I just sensed it mattered. We also had a website, even now cafes and restaurants don't seem to think they need one.

I then moved into business support in 2007 and have been there ever since. I love it, it's my passion, but now I help aspiring or new entrepreneurs that require the extra help that funded business support can't provide.

If you are starting a business in the UK, I will always advise you to take full advantage of all the funded (free) services there are out there. I still work in the field, it's excellent and you're entitled to it. 

If you're not sure where to look, your first port of call is your Local Authority Business Team, then there is also the Federation of Small Businesses, your local Chamber of Commerce and there is Enterprise Nation too, that has amazing resources. 

Here is a blog outlining some more of the organisations that you can reach out to for funded support. This is ever changing and I will update it as regularly as I can.

Once you've exhausted all that help, and you have an idea of where you're headed, and you want to sit down with someone who can implement practical solutions, then this is where I step in.

Through my 3 stage programme, I can guide you with identifying your target customers, aligning your product or service, setting goals for the year ahead, sharpening up your messaging and planning a simple communications strategy.

This will provide you with practical skills and insights, the by product is that your confidence will naturally grow. To find out more about the programme, please see the home page and click on each of the stages to learn more.

My specialism is financial forecasting, marketing strategy, content writing and local Search Engine Optimisation. Yes there is Chat GPT and other AI, and it will eventually take over. But I can still add value by helping you to develop that unique voice that computers will take millennia to conquer. Plus, if all your competitors are jumping on it, that's even better, because they will all look and sound the same and you will shine like the authentic human you are.

Just to reassure you further of my credentials. I will not work with everyone that wants to hand me their hard earned cash. I ask for a 40 minute free consultation so we can see if you're at the stage where my offer will move you forward. That way life is easier for us all. I will always signpost you to other services if I feel they are a better fit.

I practice what I teach, when you are your own boss, you won't be a fit for everyone. But those that you are aligned with, will be delighted you exist.

I'd love you to get in touch, I promise our chats will always leave you with a positive. Even if you aren't quite ready to work with me, you always leave a little bit wiser than when you arrived!
